今年小六会考华文考试将使用新题型,其中听力理解试卷的篇章长度和题型都有不少改变,许多学生还没有对这些片花做好准备。在多年的教学工作中,我们也发现,在备考小六会考华文的过程中,有的学生不重视听力理解,致使在这一项目中难以取得高分,令人惋惜。 导致这一结果的重要原因之一,就是新加坡市面上缺乏高质量的、符合会考要求的听力理解配套练习。听力理解并不是小六会考华文考试中的高难度题目,因此,只要在考前使用高质量的练习材料,得当训练,就很有可能快速提高成绩。 为了迎合广大小六会考考生的备考需要,“学汇乐”《小六会考华文听力理解模拟练习》应运而生了。 这套由学汇乐中学华文课程团队原创研发的听力理解模拟练习,是新加坡第一本小六会考华文听力理解电子书,能有效帮助学生在会考中取得高分。
The PSLE Chinese will adopt a new exam format this year. Amongst these changes are those for the PSLE Chinese Listening Comprehension in terms of length of comprehension passages, types of questions and MCQ choices. Many students are not well prepared for the new exam format.
Moreover, over the years, we had encountered many students who did not take Chinese Listening Comprehension seriously. As a result, these students did not manage to score high marks in this component, and their ability to communicate effectively in Chinese became severely hindered.
One key reason for this is the lack of high-quality Listening Comprehension materials for students in the market. Since Listening Comprehension is not the most difficult component in the PSLE Chinese exam, it is possible to make big improvements in a short time, as long as students have sufficient practice and are exposed to high-quality exercises and training materials.
We are pleased to inform you that we now have a ready-made solution. To address the students’ practice needs, we have created the PSLE Chinese Listening Comprehension Exercise & Analysis, a revolutionary online resource.
Available for the very first time in Singapore, this easy-to-use e-book is specially developed by our 学汇乐 (Xue Hui Le) Team of Chinese Curriculum Specialists and will help students score high marks for the PSLE Chinese Listening Comprehension exam.
Key Content features of this e-Book
Comprises 10 sets of Listening Comprehension exercises that are in line with the latest PSLE Chinese exam format.
包括10套听力理解模拟试题,严格按照最新小六会考华文考试题型设计。Each set of exercise consists of 7 audio recordings and 10 questions (including the newly introduced questions with pictures and route maps as the MCQ choices).
每套模拟练习包括7段录音和10个问题(包括以图片和路线图为选项的新题型)。The topics, text types and the length of comprehension texts are in line with latest PSLE Chinese exam format.
每段录音的长度、录音篇章的题材和体裁与最新小六会考华文考试题型一致。The pace of reading, and the intervals between passages and questions are in line with recent exam papers.
朗读语速、篇章和题目之间的间隔与近年小六会考华文考试题型一致。The question types and the proportion of questions of different difficulty levels are in line with latest PSLE Chinese exam format.
每个问题的问法、出题思路和低中高难度题型比例与最新小六会考华文考试题型一致。The high-quality, professional audio recordings are read by holders of Mandarin Proficiency Certificate (Level 2A or above).
Key User-friendly features of this e-Book
It is a 100% online e-book, and is accessible on Mac and Windows computers, as well as Android and iOS tablets and phones. This important feature means that students can engage themselves in Listening Comprehension practice sessions in the school classrooms (and not just the computer lab), or in the comfort of their homes.
100%电子书,无需纸笔,无需光碟,可以在Mac和Windows电脑上,以及iOS和Android系统的智能手机和平板电脑上流畅使用。学生可以在学校(无需电脑室)或家里随时随地练习听力理解。The texts used in the passages are available for students to refer to immediately after answer submission. This helps them to learn even faster.
学生在电子设备上听录音点、选作答之后提交答案,系统将立即自动批改。All exercises are auto-marked and no human intervention is required.
在批改过后的页面,学生能够一边听录音,一边看录音原文,迅速找到答题所需的关键信息。Detailed analysis and explanation of all answers are available. These enable students to know precisely the reasons for their errors.
每一题都配有详尽的答案解析,学生能马上知道自己错在哪里。Once the e-book has been downloaded, students can go offline and use the book anytime, anywhere (without the need for further internet connectivity).

This e-book is available for 6 months upon purchase.
To download a FREE Trial of an exercise with 10 questions, click HERE. (Note: This is no longer available.)
To purchase this special e-book, click HERE.
Special prices for bulk purchase (more than 20 accounts) are available. Please contact us directly at 6228 9255 or by email: sales@mindstretcher.com
FAQ for PSLE Listening Comprehension Exercise & Analysis
Can the questions be attempted multiple times?
Yes, questions can be attempted as many times as required.Can I share the account among my children?
It is not recommended for you to share the account as the questions are structured based on the PSLE Listening Comprehension standards.Is the e-book device-locked? Am I able to access it from multiple platforms?
Yes, it is device-locked. Once it has been downloaded onto a platform, you will not be able to install it on a separate platform.When will my trial e-book expire?
The trial account is valid for 1 week upon receiving your login details and password.When does the 6 months validity start?
The 6 months validity date starts from the date of receiving your login details and passwordHow will I be notified of my login information?
After you have purchased the product, you will receive an email with your login details and password within 5 minutes. If you did not receive this email, please contact us at sales@mindstretcher.com for assistance.