Students will understand the application of vocabulary in model essays, and sharpen their techniques to edit and improve sentences and paragraphs.
Students are introduced to reading and answering techniques for a wide range of texts, and will consolidate skills in summarising key information.
Students will hone their tools to tackle narrative, argumentative and critical response essays, and use good phrases to enliven their writing.
(复习情境记叙文的审题以及写作技巧,写出精彩的作文。复习写材料作文,利用“构思工具表”指导写作思路,指导学生善用材料,完成作文。复习论说文,让学生了解论说文的结构 ,指导学生明确写作思路,完成作文。积累常用好词好句,表达更精彩。老师精心地批改,在批改和评语的基础上反思改进。)
Students will master the techniques for functional writing in a variety of contexts, including formal emails and forum writing.
Through demonstrations and live practices, students will sharpen their oral speaking techniques, and develop skills in oral presentation.